How To Relax Your Mind After a Hard Day At Work?

Sometimes work can get really stressful, to the point where we feel like we can’t even sit back, relax, and take a breather.

For many young professionals, coming straight out of university to a full-time job can be really tough, after all, it’s a huge change.

It gets to the point where we often forget how to look after ourselves, and the sheer importance of self-care.

This is why we’ve come up with some tips and tricks on how to relax your mind after a hard day at work, because let’s be honest, we all need to relax sometimes!

Luckily for those living in our fabulous accommodation specifically for young professionals, there are plenty of features in place to allow you to do just that.

So, let’s take a look at how we can relax after a long day at work, get ready to relax, unwind, and feel totally zen!

1. Workout

Exercise is absolutely key, and although many of us put it off, or can’t really be bothered, it really does help to relax your mind.

You don’t have to be hardcore and do a ton of workouts if that’s not your scene, even a half an hour walk on the treadmill will do you wonders!

Luckily for those staying with us, many of our properties have private on-site gyms, so you don’t even have to travel out of your accommodation to break a sweat.

Did you know? Regular exercise can increase your self-confidence, improve your mood, help you relax, and even lower symptoms of depression/anxiety.

So try a workout in one of our gyms today, and see how you feel afterwards!

2. Watch A Movie In The Cinema Room

Is there anything better than cosying up in a blanket and watching your favourite movie after a long day at work?

Watching a movie can really help you switch off, take away the stress and strain of the day and help you feel generally chill.

Our accommodation is absolutely perfect for this, as some of our building’s have their very own cinema room!

There’s no need to worry about venturing out into the cold to the cinema because you can literally watch a movie in the same building your living in.

The cinema rooms really do ooze total comfort, just be sure to bring lots of popcorn to keep you going!

3. Cook Yourself Something Delicious

Cooking can actually be very therapeutic for some, and when you’ve got top facilities in your City Living accommodation – you really need to embrace it!

Our studios at New Century Place give you your very own kitchenette with state-of-the-art facilities so you really can cook up a storm.

There’s an integrated combination oven, a dishwasher, a four-ring induction hob, a built-in extraction fan, and a breakfast bar with stools so you can eat in tranquillity.

Of course, we all love a takeaway now and then, but cooking yourself a delicious meal after a long day will make you feel so much better – and it’s usually healthier too!

Check out BBC Good Food for some inspiration for meals for one, because there’s nothing better than treating yourself to a homecooked meal.

4. Take A Hot Shower

It’s time to wash away all the stresses of the day with a nice hot steamy shower in your very own en suite!

Sometimes the idea of sharing bathroom facilities might not sound too appealing, especially to a young professional, which is why we ensure we offer en suites to everyone.

Who knew that something as simple as a hot shower could be so relaxing, especially when paired with some comfy PJ’s and a nice hot chocolate.

So, make the most of your en suite, maybe even have a sing in the shower, and feel relaxed in an instant.

5. Get An Early Night

As boring as it may sound, it’s super important to catch enough z’s when you’re a young professional, after all, there’s only so much caffeine that will help you!

That’s why getting an early night is key to productivity as well as general mental health.

It’s recommended that adults get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep to function, so get snuggled up in your studio and doze off.

6. Have A Pamper

If you’re still wondering how to relax your mind, there’s nothing better than a pamper-filled evening!

Sometimes, we all need to take a little time to ourselves, whether that’s putting on some tranquil tunes or wrapping up in a fluffy dressing gown.

It might even be worth purchasing a couple of face masks online for a real pamper evening t totally treat yourself!

7. Watch TV In Bed

It’s time to get snuggled up in your bed and watch your favourite show on Netflix, because at New Century Place, you get your own TV in your room!

If you’ve ever wondered how to relax your mind completely, it might be worth sticking on a TV show you love or a classic film to put a smile on your face.

That’s what makes our studios so fantastic, you get the privacy of your own space with communal areas when you feel like socialising!

So sit back, wind down, and enjoy your own 32” television for chilled vibes all round.

8. Meditate

Have you ever meditated before? If you haven’t, it might be worth giving it a try to fully relax your mind after a long day at work.

Meditation can produce a deep state of relaxation and allow you to really focus your attention on what might be causing you stress.

There are plenty of mediation apps available for you to download on your phone, such as Calm and Headspace.

It’s also worth having a look on YouTube if you prefer something more visual, there’s loads of YouTubers you can subscribe to!

9. Yoga

Since there’s plenty of space in our City Living studios, you’ve got plenty of room to try out some yoga to really relax.

The potential health benefits of yoga include stress reduction and improved fitness, so why not give it a go?

There are a few different poses you can give a whirl, but some popular ones include the sphinx pose, the lizard pose and the supported bridge pose.

If you go onto YouTube, it’s definitely worth checking out Yoga With Adriene, she does a lot of daily challenges to motivate yoga beginners!

10. Get Organised

Still struggling to relax your mind? It might actually help if you tidy up your space, because tidy surroundings = a tidy mind.

If you’re sat amongst a lot of mess, you may start to feel overwhelmed and stressed out.

It’s always best to keep your surroundings as clean and minimal as possible, to ensure you’re feeling happy and chill 😊

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